FERCAM for PepsiCo: Logistics Efficiency and Social Inclusion
FERCAM for PepsiCo: Logistics Efficiency and Social Inclusion
FERCAM for PepsiCo

Logistics Efficiency and Social Inclusion

A model of collaboration that combines logistics efficiency, sensitivity towards inclusion and sustainability.

For four years, FERCAM has supported PepsiCo in Serbia, offering efficient transport services for the supply of packaging materials and supporting the continuity of the production chain. PepsiCo, a global leader in the snack and beverage sector, operates in the Western Balkans through its snack segment, with popular brands like Clipsy, Chipsy, Pardon, Gud, and Doritos.

FERCAM’s Solutions

This collaboration has brought tangible benefits, not only in terms of logistical efficiency but also as a platform for promoting values of inclusivity and sustainability. FERCAM has branded seven trucks in its fleet for the “She’s PepsiCo” campaign. Created in the United States, the campaign aims to promote female empowerment, encouraging more women to pursue careers in traditionally male-dominated fields and reinforcing the value of inclusivity.
«Il motivo per cui abbiamo sostenuto questa campagna è che condividiamo con PepsiCo gli stessi valori riguardo all’uguaglianza di genere in azienda. Sebbene i settori del trasporto e della logistica siano prevalentemente considerati 'professioni maschili’, FERCAM sostiene fortemente le donne. La metà dei dipendenti della nostra azienda è composta da donne, da ruoli operativi fino a posizioni manageriali, inclusi i vertici aziendali», ha commentato Marko Kambic, Country Manager di FERCAM Serbia.

Commitment to Sustainability

«Sustainability is a priority for PepsiCo. In a market like Serbia, where environmental regulations are still developing, FERCAM's adoption of HVO-powered trucks provides an additional added value», added Ivana Vukic. HVO-powered vehicles reduce CO₂ emissions by up to 90% compared to traditional diesel. This renewable fuel, odorless and colorless, fully compatible with Diesel engines, it’s produced from vegetable oils obtained from waste materials, such as straw, algae, organic waste, and agricultural residues, without the use of palm oil, so as not to interfere with the food supply chain. FERCAM's commitment to reducing the environmental impact of the transport sector aligns perfectly with PepsiCo’s sustainable vision.

Future Prospects

This collaboration is only the beginning. PepsiCo and FERCAM continue to evolve together, combining logistical expertise and a commitment to more inclusive and sustainable growth. This partnership is a virtuous model of how logistics, sustainability, and social responsibility can contribute to corporate success and community well-being.