Ro-Ro transport from Italy to Istanbul, Izmir, and Bursa and viceversa
FERCAM is your trusted partner for FTL and LTL transportation between Northern Italy and Turkey
Organizing full or partial loads for import and export from Turkish territory can be a challenging task. The crossing of various national borders, customs procedures, the scarcity of drivers, and potential unforeseen events along the route are the aspects that FERCAM’s new multimodal solution intends to immediately address. Your goods travel safely on 13.6 m swap bodies or Megatrailers, starting from our hub in Verona, where we handle customs operations and offer the possibility of temporary storage. A dedicated team of professionals awaits at the customs warehouses in Turkish territory to take over the customs clearance operations and transport to the destination, always with FERCAM-branded vehicles.
Choose the advantages of our Ro-Ro service

Drivers only operate the initial and final land routes, without the need to be away from their families for days or leave the country. This means that your goods will reach their destination efficiently and more ethically

By optimizing road traffic through sea transport, we reduce air pollution and the overall environmental impact. Furthermore, with fewer vehicles in circulation, we reduce road congestion, improving mobility

Thanks to our own customs warehouse in Verona and dedicated operators in Turkey, we ensure a smooth procedure. And with the sea passage, you avoid waiting times at borders and possible unforeseen events along the route